+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
I see high levels wont dont use mounts on hunts because this can give a small problem when you click to walk. Is that true?.
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not really true, its personal choice if you use a mount or not, it only gives you 10 speed, so on high lvls it might be considered useless as it wont change that much, the only thing is the animations look a bit frame limited maybe thats why you have a feeling like that, but yeah, mechanically, mount is just +10 speed, when you're a high lvl it doesnt change that much some people just prefer to stay in their outfits (I do even tho im low lvl, as Ive played before mounts were in the game and i just stay so)

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (28 points)
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They don't use mounts because there is no point rather than looks, 10 speed boost is unusefull, especially when u know speed breakpoints.
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer
Mounts in Tibia are useful only on low levels when additional 10 speed points may help you transport faster than usual. On high level 10 speed points is nothing. That's why on high level it's worth to wear mounts only in case if you need +10 speed points to have speed boost on each kind of floor.

Of course you can use mount because you like it's look, or you want to show your unique and expensive mount, but from practical point of view it is useless.

I prefer to not use any mounts. My character looks clearly and simple without it.

Of course I didn't hear anything about problems with walking while using mounts. Nothing about graphics problems, nor with smooth walking.
by (7,037 points)
What do you mean with High Level (What level)?
by (6,736 points)
In my opinion high level nowadays in Tibia is 700+ or even more.
+1 vote
by (54 points)
It's not true, mounts help with + 10 speed, all mounts have the same of speed. And I never ever see about this have some problem with it.