+1 vote
by (5,730 points)


Today I realized that on each city next of the boat have a NPC Guide, and they usually says the following message (according with each city):

11:24 Guide Luke: Hello, is this your first visit to Thais? I can show you around a little.

11:24 Guide Luke: Free escort to the depot for newcomers!

11:26 Guide Luke: Need some help finding your way through Thais? Let me assist you.

11:28 Guide Luke: Talk to me if you need directions.

And that make me wonder apart of the escort for begginers and the marks on maps what others things we can know with this NPC's and what they are useful for high levels?

Thanks in advance.

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (2,865 points)
Adding to answer from Raven Branwen, they also escort new players to depot, this is useful if you have a level 8 and need to go to Oramond's depot.
by (3,816 points)
He asked what NPC guides can do to higher lvls but that’s a nice info ;)
+2 votes
by (3,816 points)
They can say which world change are active or it’s status/stage like Horestis tomb or the Hive, saying “hi” - “change” - world change name
+2 votes
by (6,736 points)
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Best answer

The main tasks of NPCs called Guides are to show newcomers where they can find the bank, depo, or any other specific locations (shops, adventurer's guild, offline trainers) on the map. Guides have a lot of to say about their cities - for example, something about hunting grounds, quests. They may escort you straight to the depo when you're below level 10.

For higher levels guides are useful to mark a map in newly implemented cities (like recently Issavi) but what is most important for higher levels are WORLD CHANGES.

When you ask the guide:

Player: keyword or change

Guide Kunibert: Valid keywords are: Horestis, Mage Tower, Master's Voice, Swamp Fever, Thornfire, Twisted Waters, Awash, Steamship, Horses, Overhunting, Demon War, Deepling or Hive.

You can choose world change and know the current status.

To know how Tibia NPC Guides work I suggest you read the whole transcription, for example, Rathleton's guide - Kunibert.


by (17,406 points)
mainly edited just because they escort you when you're below level 10 not under 8. but also edited for some typos, good work!