+1 vote
by (170 points)
I have 4-5 chars I only offline train, but somedays when I log into them they will only show a few hours trained, while my offline time training bar is full and it was full before setting them up. Has anyone experienced this?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (173 points)
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It happens because you probably play more in ones than others.

Example: imagine you have 4 chars, 1 of each vocation, all them have 12 hrs offline train now.

00:00 - You put them all to sleep right now

04:00 - You decide to log and play 2h in the ek and put it back to sleep

12:00 - After that, you login again, and see that the 3 chars trained 12h, and the ek only 10

Of course this is a extreme example, but sometimes it can be an irregular offline train time, sometimes we forgot to put some, various reasons. But, this is not a bug, just try to see how much offline train they all have. One tip is to put them to train everyday in the same hour, so the ones u don't use much can train the full 12h, and the regeneration takes 12h too, so you just need to put them once per day.