+2 votes
by (170 points)
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Hi I have an EK lvl 60 90/90, trying to lvl to at least 130 to share with friends in the server, any suggestions to lvl faster taking advantage of higher lvl friends (130-200 all vocs)

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Maybe it will be a terrible idea or Maybe I am a genius.

The points is that I lvl Up my 8s lvls mages on bursters spectres, until they are 28/30, and then I go to gazer spectre.

And I know you are asking about an EK lvl 60. So here is my idea, imbue your weapon with ice damage. Bring an Ek and a Ed to gazer spectre (they do not retarget) and kill 3 at a time. I am sure that you won't need to move from the entrance if you kill 3 by 3.

If you try this, tell me your experience.
by (170 points)
Will try, thx, I'll try a lvl 80~ ED, EK combo to kill and a separate ED, EK to block
by (5,051 points)
Good idea, that way you Will do a lot of experience for sure! And if you have not an ek that blocks for you, if you have a friend lvl 450 Ed or Ms, he Will be Also able to block for you without sio (I tryed this, they don't die)
0 votes
by (54 points)
With ur good skill I suggest hunting in wyrm from Liberty bay, because is near to dp, and mana shopping, I think u can take some waste but it is a good experience, but be Carrefour with Elder wyrm.
0 votes
by (21 points)
you can make a group and hunt in the first part of roshamuul.

if it is too full, you can go in grim reaper of darashia
0 votes
Hi !

You should take use of your friends, and organise team hunt ( low levels as yours ) on spectres- where high level knight is blocking them for you. Also, What is also your mlvl?

If you are alone I recommend you to go for

Dragon Lords (Darashia);

Yielothax (Zao);

Mutated Humans (Yalahar)

 Bog Raiders/ Mutated Tigers (good profit and ExP)

Wyrms (Liberty bay);

Vampires Crypts (Edron);

and I would mix all of that to collect the charms ASAP ( Dodge is a Must to do for you).

I personally find most pleasant and best option to find ED or RP/MS and do Duo. You do not need to wait for whole team to organise themselves (it is sometimes a pain) & you can go places like Oramond - during this hunts you can easily finish bestiary on shooters like Worm Priestiess or Minotaur Hunter which are super annoying to hunt for EK.

-Make sure you have imbuments.
by (170 points)
I'll try specters with a party and blockers. I have ml 5 or 6 not sure rn
0 votes
by (18 points)
You should go to liberty bay wyrms :)

With those skills, should be easy to reach lvl 100. Another, more boring option is sea serpents.