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by (6,736 points)
After recent changes when Cipsoft nerfed such a lot of places I have a problem with choosing places to hunt with EK. Where can we hunt and still keep a good exp/h?

I'll appreciate any suggestions with approximately exp/h.

1 Answer

0 votes

I would suggest:

Issavi sewers - With Priestess of the Wild Sun; Burning Gladiator, Black Sphinx Acolyte

Kilmaresh Catacoombs- With Priestess of the Wild Sun; Burning Gladiator, Black Sphinx Acolyte, Sphinx, Crypt Warden

Flimsys are super fun !


It really depends on the style you play and confidence of the druid. you can just box them or do double box with druid on "easier" spawns.
by (6,736 points)
Hi! Thanks for the answer. What exp/h (approximately) can we make on these places? :)