+1 vote
by (338 points)
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I was looking at http://www.tibia-stats.com/index.php?akcja=armorCalc and the shielding skill does not change the total damage reduction if I don't use a shield.

Does that mean that shielding skill has no effect in paladins + bow or knights + two handed weapon?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)
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I found this information for Paladins:

Although paladins are ranged fighters, shielding can help in case close combat cannot be avoided. Training shielding is the same as for knights.

Paladins may have problems training shielding at high distance fighting levels. In that case, paladins can either try a stronger creature or resort to training with a melee weapon.

Note that your shielding level has no effect if you are wielding a two-handed weapon, such as a crossbow.

Source :TibiaFandom

For Knights:

Your character's total defense is only taken from your shield, or if you don't have a shield equipped, your weapon. If a shield is equipped while using a weapon, then the weapon's defense will be negated regardless of whether its defensive value is higher or lower than the shield's defensive value.

Some weapons have a defense modifier. If you use one of those weapons in combination with one shield, that defense modifier will be added or subtracted to the total defense of your shield. For example, if you're wearing a Justice Seeker (Atk:47, Def:24 +3) with one Mastermind Shield (Def:37), your total defense will be 40.

Source: TibiaFandom

Use a one-handed weapon and a shield. Although a two-handed weapon will generally cause more damage than a one-handed weapon, you will not gain shielding skills that way.

Use Balanced Fighting or Defensive Fighting. If you use Offensive Fighting, then you will kill the creatures faster, but you will take more hits and your shielding skill will not advance as quickly.

Source: TibiaFandom

I often play with my paladin (400+). Unfortunately, you cannot use a shield when using a bow or crossbow, which means that the ability of the shield has no effect at all. As for knight and two-handed weapons, the shielding skill works correctly.

by (338 points)
Can you add reference?
by (17,406 points)
"As for knight and two-handed weapons, the shielding skill works correctly." I don't think this is accurate according to the offical manual it says you need to be wearing a shield in order for the skill to be used.
0 votes
by (17,406 points)

A quote from the Official Manual-

Shielding is the ability to successfully block enemy attacks with a shield. Of course, characters need to hold shields in their hands in order to use this skill. Note that it is not possible to block more than 2 opponents at a time.

So, if you use a bow or two-handed weapon your shielding skill won't be used because you need to be wearing a shield. I just wanted to add one more interesting fact about shields in general from the Official Manual-

Items determine a character's performance in combat in accordance to their nature. For instance, armor such as legs or helmets will reduce the damage caused by successful hits, while the bonus yielded by shields is used to calculate a character's chance to block attacks. Special clothing and certain amulets can also help you to reduce the damage of a certain type. Furthermore, you should choose your weapon, runes and spells according to the characteristics of your opponent.
