+4 votes
by (6,736 points)

Some time ago I noticed, that on market there are offers for selling few tousands of Phoenix Eggs .

As we know we can get ONE Phoenix Egg as a reward from The Paradox Towers Quest. Another way to get it is to open Surprise Nest , but chances to get, again, ONE Phoenix Egg are really small.

How is it possible, that some players got so many rare eggs for sale?

Only explanation I can see is that they put a cheap buy offer and then after some time they are selling it for higher price.

Do you know something about it? Maybe this quest was simply bugged.

by (1,184 points)
I was always wondering about it when I saw them as decoration. Good question.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (1,142 points)
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Best answer

The answer is very simple - the large quantity of phoenix eggs available on market is caused by an old bug.

Very few people know that such bug occurred though. It was back in 2008 or 2009, when after server save NPCs who sold normal eggs (2 Gp each) started to sell instead! You were then able to buy infinite amounts of phoenix eggs, even hundreds of thousands.

It was fixed very quickly, in a few hours if I remember well. But it seems that people who abused this bug kept their eggs and were not punished in any way.

I was aware that it happened because someone posted about it on tibia.de forum (popular Fansite back then).

Edit 24/10/21

Further reading regarding the Bug:


by (1,142 points)
I'm sure that I have screenshots somewhere on my old laptop. I'll try to find them later.
by (1,142 points)
Unfortunately I can't find my screenshots presenting this bug.
These are some other sources where someone mentions it:
https://www.reddit.com/r/TibiaMMO/comments/4phd3z/have_you_ever_experienced_an_actual_bug_in_tibia/ (user npxl)
https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Talk:Phoenix_Egg (user beejay)
by (1,184 points)
Thanks for research, Williams!