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by (2,865 points)
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I was searching about Carnivoras and find an information about they reflecting damage. In brazilian TibiaWiki says that only Menacing Carnivor reflects the physical damage, and not the others, but in some videos I saw people saying that they all reflects physical damage. In this question we see that Spiky Carnivor reflects a certain damage. So what's the actual information? Do they all reflect damage or only Menacing and Spiky? 

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (4,161 points)
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I specially went to check with my Paladin if something had changed and from my observations it appears Lumbering Carnivor  does not reflect physical damage. Only these reflect physical attacks :

Spiky Carnivor 50%? Physical Damage

Menacing Carnivor 100%? Physical Damage
