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In Liberty Bay, we have the opportunity to defeat the Pirate Bosses during the raid on Vandura. Wiki says that during this raid we can face the four bosses localized on the points that you can look on the answer related, but I have done this raid twice and the boss <img src="/images/5/56/SemImagem.gif" /> Ron The Ripper, didn't respawn at the Fortress, does anybody know how exactly this raid works?

Very Thanks full in advance.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (2,865 points)
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Best answer

According to brazilian Tibia Wiki, these raids vary so it's possible that some of creatures don't appear during the raid. I guess you have found two times a raid that Ron The Ripper didn't appear.

Link to Brazilian TibiaWiki: https://www.tibiawiki.com.br/wiki/Invas%C3%B5es_em_Liberty_Bay#Invas.C3.A3o_de_Pirate_Bosses

by (2,271 points)
I would suggest you add the source link in your answer
by (2,865 points)
Just did it, thanks
+2 votes
by (21 points)
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I've been living in Liberty Bay for many years now and could fight many Pirate Raids.

I can confirm to you the bosses respawn randomly. Each new raid brings a different arrangement of bosses. Sometimes it's all of them, sometimes it's only one, sometimes it's two. You can never tell for sure 100%.

So, the answer provided by Candangoek, which he got from Brazilian TibiaWiki, it's correct!

Also, the link you provided with the bosses locations is right!