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by (2,865 points)
You can report the name of a character in case it is against the rules, but the character can be deleted or they only get a name lock?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,271 points)
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Best answer

According to the Tibia Rules 1. Names, names that are offensive, contain advertising, can political or religious views and lastly incite/support Tibia rule violation can/will be acted upon by Cipsoft.

In practice this almost always means a namelock, where you cannot post or play using that character. You have three chances to rename the character with an acceptable name that is approved by customer support. If not then a name is created for the character by the random name generator. If you feel the namelock is unjustified you can contact a Tutor in game and if they agree they can send a request to customer support for evaluation.

But the reality this is Cipsofts game and if they wish to, as stated in the Tibia Rules, they can do whatever they want to. They may look at past criminal history and decide another punishment is required, from modification of your character/belongings, character/account banishment or even character/account deletion.

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