+1 vote
by (1,184 points)

I'm wondering, what is the best equipment for mages and druids that protect from mana drain?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)
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Best answer

There are only a few items that give you mana drain resistance.

Helmets : 

Porcelain Mask  (Arm:1, protection mana drain +10%)

You can obtain one every 5 days when the First Dragon Quest is active

Witch Hat  (Arm:3, protection mana drain +5%)

Dropped from : Essence of Malice Witch 

Legs :

Depth Ocrea  (Arm:8, protection mana drain +15%)

Dropped from : Tanjis 

Amulets :

Bronze Amulet (protection mana drain +20%)

Dropped From : Dworc Venomsniper MinotaurMinotaur Cult Follower Vampire

Light Sources :

 Gleaming Starlight Vial   (protection mana drain +5%)

Reward from the Threatened Dreams Quest.

Source : TibiaFandom

by (1,184 points)
Thanks! I didn't know this.
by (2,271 points)
I would love to upvote this but can you put more information about each piece or a link to it?
by (4,162 points)
I added a source, there was also a  Creatures that can use Mana Drain when attacking you :)