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by (2,865 points)
Today the Thornfire world change was active in my world so I went to try to tame Crystal Wolf. I spent around 3 hours putting out burning walls but the Thornfire Wolf didn't appeared. How many fires I need to put out? Is it random?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,582 points)
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Best answer

Yes its random, every time when you put out the fire u have little % chance to spawn wolf, ones i spawned almost 2 in row (10-20 burning walls between respawn), another time i cleared all fire from walls and  spawn only one wolf. in summary, you just had bad luck and you have to keep trying

by (2,865 points)
This time I almost ended the fires hahaha just bad luck... I'll try again. Thanks
+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
The amount of fires varies from player to player so if it didn’t appeared you need to extinguish more fires ( or you can call some friend to help you and make it faster ;])
by (2,865 points)
Man I was with another guy putting out the fires, I guess we just had a bad bad luck this time