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by (243 points)
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Does anyone have some experience with Ocyakao and could share with us How many Ocyakao need to be killed to drop the eye of the storm?
by (2,564 points)
Thank you for asking your questions and welcome to TibiaQA! Please note that it's not recommended to ask multiple distinct questions - https://www.tibiaqa.com/asking-what-to-avoid so I edited it to match your question summary. Can I ask you to ask a separate question about the spawn blocking?
by (243 points)
Yes of course, sorry i am new here, will try better ^^
by (2,564 points)
No worries :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,142 points)
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Best answer

I have killed 13 Ocyakaos so far and looted eye of the storm in my 7th.
However, based on my own observations (since the implementation of Ocyakao to the game in 2013) including:

  • how often is Ocyakao killed
  • how often is eye of the storm  being sold on in-game markets of various servers and trade boards of tibia.com
  • how often does it appear on screenshots sent to Tibiabosses.com

I estimate the drop chance to 1% so 1 eye per 100 bosses killed.
Please note that this is an estimate, currently there are no available databases with significant kills/loot stats of this boss.

by (6,736 points)

I would add that generally this kind of questions has no good answer, since it mostly depends on our luck. We could say that chance to drop Eye of The Storm is big or small, but nobody know how many bosses you need to kill.

My friend looted Sun Mirror from 8th Tyrn, while I have killed 23 and still nothing.
by (5,730 points)
I agree! I killed around 15 Zushukas with none valuable loot, while a friend loot the Trapped Lightning at the 1st so in my opinion is about luck