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by (17,410 points)
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If you tell the NPCMarlene the word seamonster she will tell you her experience. My question is at exactly midnight can you actually hear and see a seamonster at the docks of Northport?

22:41 Shawtay [585]: seamonster
22:41 Marlene: Only some days ago I was at the docks late in the night and was looking for my husband's ship when suddenly a known noise appeared near the docks. ...
22:41 Marlene: I know this noise very well because it is the noise of a ship sailing very fast. I searched the horizon in hope to see my husbands ship. ...
22:41 Marlene: But instead of a ship I saw a huge shape far away. It was like a big snake swimming in the sea. ...
22:41 Marlene: I couldn't see it clearly because of the fog but I think I saw two lava-red eyes glowing in the nightly fog. ...
22:41 Marlene: I ran into the house and hoped that my husband would arrive safely from fishing. And after one hour he finally arrived. ...
22:41 Marlene: I told him about what I saw but he didn't believe me because he never saw anything like that in all the years before. But you believe me right? Go and convince yourself. ...
22:41 Marlene: Just go to the docks at exactly midnight and be very quiet. Look at the horizon and maybe you will hear and see it, too!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (2,271 points)
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Best answer

Marlene has been there a very long time (Before version 6.0) and has always mentioned the Sea Monster. I have tested her story in the long ago in the past and more recently and nothing appears or is heard. Other NPCs mention she is a very talkative so chances are her story is just Tibia 'flavor' but it is possible she was used as a build up for the Sea Serpents implementation in Version 8.2 in July 2, 2008

by (17,410 points)
Which other NPCs call her crazy? :o
by (2,271 points)
My bad. I substituted talkative for crazy in my edit.
by (17,410 points)
Which ones call her talkative now, the reason I'm asking is I'd like to go speak to them xD
by (5,319 points)
Her Husband Bruno and npc Graubart