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by (5,730 points)
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I was looking for a item on the Market and I found this item "Ceremonial Mask":

Someone knows what this item do and where can I find it?

1 Answer

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by (5,689 points)
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You can see it in treasure room in Ferumbras Tower and its data can be found on the Market. Bears a striking resemblance to the Full Helmet of the AncientsAlthough this item was implemented in Summer Update 2004, it began to irradiate light only after Christmas Update 2004.

The ceremonial mask has 9arm (helmet), but it has been added as decoration  and it isn't possible to get it. Maybe in the future it will be used.


by (2,564 points)
Do you know what is it used for and whether it can be obtained?
by (5,689 points)
oh of course, added :)