+4 votes
by (1,184 points)
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My question is: How to obtain a Trapped Hyaena

And also, can I keep it? Does it disappear?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,851 points)

You can obtian her during Krailos Quest in mission The Great Hunger.

Talk to Ghorza in Krailos Village and ask her for a quest. She will tell you that she senses that the spirits are upset and that something needs to be done to appease them, especially The Great Hunger. Accept the mission and she will give you a Gourd.


by (1,184 points)
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Do you know if this item disappears? I mean, is it the 20h quest item, or can I keep it?
+2 votes
by (6,736 points)

Well, I think it's worth to add an information about how to obtain a trapped hyaena, because without Krailos Quest spoiler opened - I still have no idea how to do this reading the best answer.

During The Great Hunger mission in Krailos Quest you need to find her totem animal, to help her make necessary ritual.

Makadamia: hi

Ghorza: Hello, scraggy human.

Makadamia: mission

Ghorza: Yes, you purge defiled ritual sites! Ghorza feels, spirits calm again. If spirits quiet, Great Hunger also at ease. But ogres not sure yet. Ghorza must make ritual for Great Hunger. …

Ghorza: Problem: Ghorza lost totem animal. Totem is cuddly hyaena and ran away. Without totem animal Ghorza not making ritual. You finding hyaena and catch it. But use this net, hyaena savage.

You will get a hyaena trap , and must catch Hyaena - totem animal.

source: https://tibiopedia.pl/quests/Krailos_Quest

Now you should catch sleeping hyaena using your trap and this is how you get a Trapped Hyaena .

by (5,689 points)
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I'm not sute that it shouldn't be "how to make mission The Great Hunger" to copy and explain the quest here. A different kind of question in my opinion,  however I added to my answer this information.
by (6,736 points)
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How to obtain trapped hyaena? - Do mission The Great Hunger - sorry but in my opinion it is absolutely not enough, it's like giving a link with a solution, but not present any solution at all, so yeah it solves somebody's problem, but is not according to the TibiaQA rules.
by (5,689 points)
In my opinion it's correct. How to get Hyena - Hyena can be obtained by completing this mission and information about dissappear is enough.  In my opinion there was no need to explain the mission of quest, it would be good if you asked to explain 'how to complete the mission'. however, I respect the suggestions and I corrected my post, though I don't think it was necessary because Tibia QA isn't a page intended to spoiler whole quests - we also have other websites for this, and the excess of information doesn't make answer good and clear.
+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

You can obtain Trapped Hyaena during Krailos Quest  [mission The Great Hunger].

How to do this mission? you can start it without any remaining missions!

1. Ask Ghorza NPC for a mission ( in the village) - NPC will give us a special NET (picture 1)

2. We go to the place where the hyaena is sleeping and use the net  (not the same as kilmaresh!) on the sleeping hyaena. (picture 2,3,4). We catched Trapped Hyaena .

This item won't disappear and if you put it in the depot or house and wait about 5-10 minutes you can catch hyaena again. Remember to ask NPC for mission again! We can complete the mission as many times as we want (we get net always!), until we give the trapped hyena to the NPC. Yes, this item can be used for decoration! :)

by (6,736 points)
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I think it's worth to add how to get hyaena trap if we loose it. It's what I was curious about, when I was looking for some info. Is it possible?
by (5,689 points)
Lol? I wrote about it.  Every time when we take mission again (and put hyaena in dp/house or lose it), the npc gives it back. It's probably obvious that when we ask for a mission again, we'll also get an item to grab if we lose it. until we return hyaena to him.
by (6,736 points)
You don't have to react so emotinally and kinda rude. I just asked out of curiosity since some players asked about it in the comments on tibiopedia. I regret that I wanted to know something more about it xD
by (5,689 points)
I think you exaggerate. Each mission in this quest is different, and the questions in Tibiopedia weren't about hyaena. NPCs won't give you new stones, but NET you always get back. Item disappears when used, and I wrote that you can repeat it many times,  so it 's probably obvious. You can't catch a new hyena without a trap :D But maybe not for everyone :) hope you have all the information now.