You can obtain
Trapped Hyaena during Krailos Quest [mission The Great Hunger].
How to do this mission? you can start it without any remaining missions!

1. Ask Ghorza NPC for a mission ( in the village) - NPC will give us a special NET
(picture 1)
2. We go to the place where the hyaena is sleeping and use the net
(not the same as kilmaresh!) on the sleeping hyaena. (picture 2,3,4). We catched Trapped Hyaena

This item won't disappear and if you put it in the depot or house and wait about 5-10 minutes you can catch hyaena again. Remember to ask NPC for mission again! We can complete the mission as many times as we want (we get net always!), until we give the trapped hyena to the NPC. Yes, this item can be used for decoration! :)