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by (17,406 points)
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I currently reside on an optional PVP server and want to know if power abuse is legal on Tibia for all server types. Is there any form of power abuse that is reportable? By this I mean it's known that the guilds harass other players out of respawns or lure etc. But what type of behavior can you report? I'm currently not being power abused but I have a friend that is. It's pretty hard to power abuse now that you can't exiva other players but it still happens.

Related Question: https://www.tibiaqa.com/6224/tibia-currently-deteriorating-supposed-guild-dominant-worlds-solution?show=6224#q6224

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,028 points)
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Hey, it's sad to hear about it but unfortunately, it is not illegal. Recently I wrote to Cipsoft about some other kind of abuse - verbal, and received an answer saying that "Tibia is a highly competitive game where players often get into conflict because that's how the game works". So basically unless those people write something very harsh that can be reported or go to other means of abusing, this is considered a part of the game play.
0 votes
by (6,736 points)
It depends... The only power abusing you can report are things that are written - so you can report some messages on different chats or posts from forum. Disturbing during hunts, kicking out from respawns and in general this kind of entertainment that dominando guilds can provide to lother players is legal. And I can not agree that blocked exiva changed anything... it is easy to find every higher than 500 lvl player, because amount of good respawn for this level is limited.
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by (5,318 points)

From the Article:

50 Answers from the Product Managers

Q: Regarding power abuse: Why do you feel that it is okay to give costumers this much control over the game play? Tibia is the only game I know of where customers who have power and wealth may rule over other players in this manner.

Craban: Actually, there are quite a few very successful games out there where the ability to gain power and exercise it over other players is even bigger than in Tibia. That in itself is in our eyes much less a problem than it is another one of those things that make Tibia what it is: a tough game. It is only natural that players of a game like to compete with other players. In some games, the competition is indirect, in others, it is direct. In Tibia, you can have both.
So, having power is an important element of Tibia. Most players dream of once having that power and of course, when you have it, you also want to use it. The tricky thing is that power is only relevant as a goal to reach if not everyone can have it, thus it is immanent that only few really have power. Most players striving for power just have a little of it but like to exercise their power over others further down the ladder. Only when someone from above exercises his power on them, the victim calls it "abuse" of power. This also shows that very often, it is not possible to say we have two groups of people on a server because the very same person may in one situation belong to one group and in the next be part of the other.
What we want to do is to keep that element, but again to offer more means to provide enough fairness in the use of that power for all sides.

Source: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=1313&fbegind=22&fbeginm=4&fbeginy=2010&fendd=24&fendm=5&fendy=2010&flist=11111111


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