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by (2,271 points)

Just came across the area in the Yalahar Magicians Quarter that requires Elemental soil to enter. Apparently there are Demons on the other side of the barrier.

Hadnt heard of Elemental Soil before and checked the wiki, couldnt find anything there so came here and found this


My question is, can you do this quest multiple times?

If not how do worlds not run out of Elemental Soil to enter this area?

Thank you for any assistance in this

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)

Hi Serverblade

Yes, you can enter to the elemental areas the times you want, otherwise you can buy the soils on market.

Long ago, before all the new respawn, the soils caves was very visisted, and with that quest was the possibility to drop an  or an  when you killed the final boss the Lord of the Elements.

The thing I dont remember well is the CD to defeat the boss or if have time to be inside the quest. I will check it and edit mi answer later.

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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Best answer

Elemental Soils can be obtained in the "Elemental Spheres Quest", you need at least level 80 to start it.

And yes, you can enter the Realm and farm Soils as many times as you want. But keep in mind that each time you enter you'll have to pay the entrance fee, which is 20 enchanted stones, depending on your vocation:

  • Knight: 20 Small Enchanted Amethysts
  • Paladins: 20 Small Enchanted Sapphires
  • Druids: 20 Small Enchanted Emeralds
  • Sorcerers: 20 Small Enchanted Rubies

Once you have your stones, head to the Edron Magic Academia and ask Arkulius for the mission. (In case you never did it). Now go to the middle tower, lowest level (where you can find the elemental portals), here:

Turn OFF the machine and use all the 20 stones in it. After using all the stones turn the machine ON and you will be teleported into the Secret Realm.

Once inside you can stay there as long as you want (I'm not sure if you can logout there, tho)
