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by (4,311 points)
Hello guys!

As the main question says, How many blacksmith NPCs does Tibia have? Where are they located?

1 Answer

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by (5,730 points)
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There is around 6 Blacksmith in tibia:

  • : You can find him in Yahalar, here:Map (Colour).gif .
  • : You can find him in Ab'dendriel, here:Map (Colour).gif .
  • : You can find him in Farmine, here:Map (Colour).gif .
  • : You can find him in Meriana, here:Map (Colour).gif .
  • : You can find him in Thais, here:Map (Colour).gif .
  • : You can find him in Dawnport, here:Map (Colour).gif .
  • : You can find him in Kazordoon, here Map (Colour).gif . But he only will forge you some weapons a during The Travelling Trader Quest and the Obsidian Knife Quest.
by (2,271 points)
Uzgod in Kazordoon, the weapon shop keeper is also a Blacksmith. It could be argued that many of the Weapon/armor shopkeepers are blacksmith but for Uzgod, he definately makes things for you
by (5,730 points)
Oh you are right, I forget him completely.
Thanks for the advice.
by (2,217 points)
How about Cedric? He has his own forge in Liberty Bay.

23:27 Mogh [346]: job
23:27 Cedrik: I'm a simple but honourable smith.