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by (4,451 points)
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Today is Warpath Mini World Change on my world and I wanted to make achievement - Bibby's Bloodbath. Where are the exact spots where this boss spawns? Map with the way would be appreciated.
by (5,730 points)
Uhhh, I know each spot... if noone answer it before I arrive work I will tell you. On phone, it dont let me add pics, the screen bugged I dont know why.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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There are 3 possible spawn location:

North of the Jakundaf Desert 


North of Carlin

East of Femur Hills

  • Here is some extra info about drop loot:
Bibby BloodbathStatistics made after Update 9.6.
Bibby Bloodbath, 158 kills.
SpriteAmountItemTimesTotal amountPercentageKills to get 1Average
Gold Coin1-100Gold Coin16611500105.06%172.78
Platinum Coin1-10Platinum Coin1661104105.06%16.99
Orcish Axe1Orcish Axe525232.91%40.33
Two Handed Sword1Two Handed Sword393924.68%50.25
Throwing Star1-18Throwing Star3136519.62%62.31
Mana Potion1-3Mana Potion246215.19%70.39
Dark Armor1Dark Armor232314.56%70.15
Health Potion1-3Health Potion194912.03%90.31
Plate Legs1Plate Legs13138.23%130.08
Stealth Ring1Stealth Ring11116.96%150.07
Magma Amulet1Magma Amulet995.7%180.06
Giant Sword1Giant Sword553.16%320.03
Crusader Helmet1Crusader Helmet331.9%530.02
Butcher's Axe1Butcher's Axe221.27%790.01
Orc Trophy1Orc Trophy221.27%790.01
0 votes
by (5,730 points)
Best answer

There is 3 spots where you can Find  Bibby Bloodbath:

He can appear in the Northeast of Carlin:

In the East or Femor Hills

Or in the North of the Desert of Jakundaf Venore 

Keep in mind that the spot is random so you have to check one by one.
