+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

I know that in the past you could buy outfits from the store by reaking up into pieces. I wonder it's worth? I know, not everyone needs outfit with addons, but how was it affordable? cost less, the same or maybe more, anyone has experience?

Related with question: It is possible to buy store outfits without addons?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Best answer

To buy the full outfit would save you money rather than buying just the addons itself back in the day.

  • Depending on the base outfit they had a different price than other outfits.
  • Addons 1 and 2 were each 120 tibia coins no matter the outfit.
  • For example: currentlly full Sun Priest Outfit is all you can get not the addons separately as of March 2018. It costs 750 Tibia Coins for the full Sun Priest Outfit right now. Let me tell you about the past prices and how it's good now we can't buy the addons by themselves anymore because we were losing money that way.

Before March 2018

Sun Priest OutfitsSun Priest base outfit of Sun Priest was 570 Tibia Coins

Sun Priest OutfitsSun Priest Outfit Addon 1 was 120 Tibia Coins

Sun Priest OutfitsSun Priest Outfit Addon 2 was 120 Tibia Coins

=total is 810 Tibia Coins if you buy everything separate

Sun Priest OutfitsFull Sun Priest outfit was 750 Tibia Coins in 2018 meaning you would save money if you buy the full outfit itself rather than buying the addons at different times.

Check out the history of the store here at this source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Store?oldid=728247

by (5,689 points)
wow, good research. thank you! :)
by (1,850 points)
Every outfit you might find on Tibia Royal.
Sadly I couldn’t make it now and on phone it would be time-consuming and hard. :D  https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=4486&fbegind=7&fbeginm=6&fbeginy=2017&fendd=7&fendm=7&fendy=2018&flist=11111111