+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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What towns or cities dont have any rentable houses? I think theres a need more for houses on my server so I'm curious which places dont have any houses for rent.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,384 points)
  • Roshamuul
  • Krailos
  • Feyrist

Those places doesn't have a single house :)

Some places only have especial customized houses, tho... like: Farmine, Gray Island and Meriana

+2 votes
by (5,730 points)
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Best answer

The cities without any house are: Roshamuul, Feyrist and Krailos.

But if you subdivide each city here is some especific places where don't have houses for rent:

  • Carlin: Folda, Vega, Isles of Kings.
  • Darashia: Darashia Surroundings, Drefia.
  • Porthope: Surroundings, Tiquanda.
  • Liberty bay: Laguna Islands, Nargor, Treasure Islands, Goroma.
  • Gray Island: Gray Beach and Quirefang (All hive place)
  • Zao: Steppe, Muggy Plains, Razachai, Vengoth.
In case u wanna know where are all houses on tibia, you can check it on you Cyclopedia  > Houses > There u can see all houses in all states.

by (1,850 points)
Well we have house at zao Eastern House of Tranquility >.<
by (5,730 points)
That is Farmine in Tibia Map isnt?


Houses are private buildings that can be rented by players. They can be found anywhere in Tibia. Houses come in three forms: there are normal houses that are designed as resting places for single characters or for small groups of friends, shops in which players can build up a prospering business, and guildhalls in which whole guilds can find shelter!

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