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by (2,865 points)
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I will do the Inquisition Quest in the next days and want to get the reward that I can sell for the most expensive price, so what should I get?
by (5,730 points)
You should check your market, the prices are a bit different in each world.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,850 points)
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Its so bad question. >.<

but I can tell u prices on Antica

itemWarsinger - 370k

item Emerald Sword - 320k

itemSpellbook of Dark Mysterious - 360k

item Master Archer's Armor - 290k

item Fireborn Titan Armor - 300k

item Robe of Underworld - 290k

item Royal Crossbow - 250k

Axe and Mace is worthless. On new server I would pick Warsinger bow/Master Archer's Armor or Emerald sword cuz we have many spellbooks which ppl can use instead of Dark Mysteries. Sword is most common weapon, and many people will play as paladin for profit so they gonna want that eq, even if they make inq they can pick just 1 reward.

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)
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Antica market prices:

Emerald Sword 225k average

Hellforged Axe 175k

Obsidian Truncheon 79k

 Warsinger Bow 370k

 Royal Crossbow 250k

Spellbook of dark mysteries 360k

  Master Archer's Armor 290k

 Fireborn Giant Armor 300k

Robe of the Underworld 290k

so, for me Spellbook of dark mysteries or warsinger bow, but you should check in your world before make Quest prices on market.

by (1,850 points)
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Also where did he said tell me all items and prices? So that argument is worthless like this mace and axe. :)
by (1,850 points)
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Gave out:    227 up votes, 0 down votes
Do i look like Im looking for negatives?
Your answer is only better for you XD its not complete and comprehensive cuz u said about only your world, with useless items not worth to be mentioned. As I said before, Candangoek didn’t ask for all items just the most expensive. It’s just your imagination to mention all items. :)
by (1,850 points)
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The world with the largest number of players is followed by the largest number of inq quests done. KEK
How does this apply to empty worlds with your fairly neutral prices?  Going further this question can normally only apply to a new world where there is no price on the market because what is the problem to check?