+2 votes
by (5,730 points)

What is the best place to finish quicky the Insect Swarm Insect Swarm bestiary? I know Zao Steppe, but there is another place where I can find more of this monsters?


1 Answer

+2 votes
by (4,336 points)
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If you wanna finish bestiary for Insect Swarm, the best place is Zao Steppe! In my opinion there is no better place. If you wanna do bestiary same time with other monsters you can try  Horestis Tomb (only when the curse of Horestis is not active).

Here you can see map with spawn of Insect Swarm  in Zao Steppe:

Source: https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Insect_Swarm

by (5,689 points)
yes, for me is the best place. I made my bestiary here, it's really fast to do.