+11 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Forbidden Fruit is expensive item (*edit for now a bit cheaper around 5kk on Antica). You can eat one for achievement, but you can eat this more than once? (e.g. if you use mount Haze and you already have it, an error pops up if you want to press mount item.)

by (4,316 points)
I'll ask some rich friends ingame, but I'm sure will hard to find someone disposed to test it rsrs
by (5,689 points)
haha :D of course crazy test
by (17,410 points)
I just tested this out and you cannot eat another one...I posted my answer ^^

1 Answer

+13 votes
by (17,410 points)
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Best answer

Forbidden Fruit.gifCan you eat more than one Forbidden Fruit? Forbidden Fruit.gif

The answer is no, you can only eat one. I tested this out on Antica on my noob character because my main world wasn't selling any. I purchased 2 Forbidden Fruits, ate one and it gave me an achievement worth 1 point called "Forbidden Fruit" I wanted to include proof of me testing this out-

"You have now tasted the forbidden fruit. You wonder if this was a good idea. Congratulations! You earned the achievement "Forbidden Fruit".

Now that one of my Forbidden Fruits is gone, I had one left so I tried to use it and it said, "You have tasted enough of the forbidden fruit. More of it might proove hazardous." As you can see there appears to be a typo in "proove" it's supposed to be "prove." I reported this typo to Cipsoft but they said "Maybe it seems like a typo, however, it is written the way we intended it to be written. Since Tibia has a medieval setting some spellings which were common back then are also used in Tibia. Proove is the obsolete spelling of "prove" in the 16th-18th century."

Now it looks like I'll save this fruit for my main!

by (934 points)
Dedication trying this for the sake of knowledge!
by (17,410 points)
Someone downvoted my answer but I think it was out of spite... lol
by (5,689 points)
lol, peple are weird. i just downvotes low quality. maybe sometimes I'm rude, but... it's really good answer so PEOPLE WHY