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by (4,336 points)
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I found information about Spirit Grounds on the World Board. 

My question are:

Where are the Spirit Grounds located exactly?

What monsters are there?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (5,689 points)
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Best answer

Every day the portal appears in one of three places that will take us to the so-called Lands of Souls. You can find out where the site is on a given day, from Towncryer or the World Board. There are different maps for each of the 3 monster groups, but none of the three locations are assigned to a specific map. It may happen that one day on Darashia and the other on Vengoth after entering the teleport we will be on the same map.

I - monsterghostmonsterghoulmonsterbonelordmonstermummy.
II - 
monsterNightstalkermonsterBansheemonsterSouleatermonsterBraindeath .
III - 
monsterNightmaremonsterNightmare ScionmonsterSpectremonsterPhantasm.

World BoardAdventurers have told of a Spirit Gate in the Ghostlands. Fight the restless undead!
TowncryerHear ye! Hear ye! In the Ghostlands, a gate has opened to the spirit ground, where nightmares, banshees and ghouls abound!

World BoardAdventurers have told of a Spirit Gate in the Daramian mountains. Fight the restless undead!
TowncryerHear ye! Hear ye! In Darashia, a gate has opened to the spirit ground, where nightmares, banshees and ghouls abound!

World BoardAdventurers have told of a Spirit Gate in Vengoth. Fight the restless undead!
TowncryerHear ye! Hear ye! In Vengoth, a gate has opened to the spirit ground, where nightmares, banshees and ghouls abound!

Source Tibiopedia.pl [https://tibiopedia.pl/quests/Mini_World_Changes]

by (4,316 points)
Good research!
by (22 points)
Yeah this was great, thanks!