+1 vote
by (1,351 points)
Death Redemption seems to be a service in the store. I've read that it'll reduce the exp lost on all deaths in the previous 24h. How does it works and how much Tibia coins does it cost?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
No, It only reduces the penalty of the last death you had (if It was without blessing), if you buy It before 24 h passed.

 In my opinion It is too expensive , would be a good opción of buying if as you said It made you recoger the penalty of all the deaths of the last 24h
by (1,351 points)
I've read on reddit that a character that was rooked will recover the xp to all deaths within 24h retroactively.
by (4,311 points)
Recently we had a situation with player "Ma Sai", at January 11th he lost 2.147.483.648 poins of experience and at the next day he earned 2.147.483.647 points of experience. Some ppl believe it was because he used Death Redemption but until I know it's not confirmed.
by (5,051 points)
Well if you check it on market it says: "Reduces the penalty of your character's most reccent death. Can only be used for the most recent death and only within 24 hours after this death"
0 votes
by (4,311 points)
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That is a way to recover experience and skills that you lost  when you die without the regular blessings. Following is a description  

In case your character is not protected by all available regular blessings at the time of death, you have the option to purchase the blessing Death Redemption in the Store. Death Redemption will restore all skill and experience points you would not have lost if you had been protected by all available regular blessings. Death Redemption can only be purchased within the next 24 hours after death and only for the most recent death.

Source: TibiaFandom
