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by (5,689 points)
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Is it possible to do a teamhunt on Rookgaard? is there an additional bonus available when you have 4 people? I think no vocation there.

by (4,311 points)
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If you are talking about to get extra  experience in party it will not work because you will not have different vocations.
by (17,406 points)
You're absolutely wrong :P

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by (17,406 points)
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Is it possible to do a Team Hunt in Rookgaard?

Yes, it's possible to share experience in Rookgaard. You will get a 20% increase of experience from the creature as long as you meet the requirements. Because there's no vocations in Rookgaard it's impossible to get more than 20% unless there's a reward from an event active, for example is your world is successful in Lightbearer or if Furb of Fun (Orange) wins you can get 30% in shared party mode. For a full list of events I recommend you check out World Quests and Events that affect Rookgaard players (Google Drive) In case your interested, there's an awesome Rookgaard Reddit with tons of helpful tips and fun facts about Rookgaard you should check it out.

And here's me proving the 20% exists. In this picture I tested it out with another rooker the same level as me, we're both level 22 and we were both at 237% in Rookgaard. I did the math as well, what it would be at 100%, solo, and also what we got in a team so I could understand it better.

For example, Skeletons give you 35 experience at 100%. 237% of 35 = 82.95, but solo the Skeletons only gave me 82 so it didn't get rounded surprisingly. 82 increased by 20% = 98.4. The Skeleton each gave us 49 experience, but the total which is 49x2= 98. The same situation happened with the Spider which normally gives 12 experience, solo it gave 28, however in a team it gave 16 each or 32 in total. The math is a little weird with that one, but it's because the result apparently got rounded up to the next integer according to the Manual.

In case you need additional information I copied this part straight from the Tibia Manual: Party

To share experience points, the leader of your party must activate this feature via the context menu. If shared experience is activated, an experience bonus of 20% is granted if the defeated creature usually yields at least 20 experience points

  1. Only characters that are of similar levels can share experience when hunting together. To be more precise, the lowest character in a party may not have less than two-thirds of the levels of the highest character. This means a level 40 can share experience with a level 60 but not with a level 20; or a level 200 can share experience with a level 300.
  2. The distance of all party members to the leader must be smaller or equal to 30 fields, this works also if you are one floor up or down.
  3. Finally, all party members must be actively involved. This means they must either have healed another member or attacked an aggressive monster. 

image imageOne of these 2 symbols appears beneath your character's name if all conditions are fulfilled. In this case the experience points a creature is yielding are distributed evenly between all party members. If the division of the experience points does not result in whole numbers, the result will be rounded up to the next integer. The share of a member who gets less or no experience points caused by too little stamina is reduced from the complete sum and does not affect the amount of experience points the other members are receiving. Players whose share of experience points equals at least their level will also gain soul points while hunting. In case a party member has a summon, the summon will receive its part of the experience before the shared experience is calculated.

image imageOne of these 2 symbols appears beneath your character's name if one of the above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled. Now shared experience is deactivated until all party members fulfill all requirements again. You can easily recognize the members who do not meet the conditions by their flashing party icon. If you are that person, simply heal a party member or deal damage to a monster; or get back into the leader's range to activate shared experience again for your party. If shared experience is deactivated because the highest level has gained a level, it will not be activated until the lowest level has caught up to have no less than two-thirds of the highest character again. Whenever, shared experience is deactivated, the experience points will be distributed according to the damage every member has been dealing out.
