+2 votes
by (518 points)
Inspired by the MLS question, I wonder who owns the dragon scale legs. I haven't ever seen them anywhere in-game or even heard much about them in the past years. Are they still around?

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (4,336 points)
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Best answer

Dragon Scale Legs Dragon Scale Legs  are one of the Tibian items that:

  • cannot be looted from a creature or obtained in a quest,
  • they are given as a present  to certain players who are believed to deserve them. 

There were three known pairs of Dragon Scale Legs in-game.

First Pair

Back in the day, before the present house system, a player named Lostboy used to control the apartment system in the city of Thais, by owning the keys that allowed to open and close the houses doors. His implication with the game was so high that CiPsoft decided to thank him by giving him a pair of Dragon Scale Legs, which was showed during the item exhibition held by Alliance of Free Tibians 2004.

Second Pair

A second pair of Dragon Scale Legs were given to Pskonejott after helping the Tibia community in different ways, such as reporting several bugs.

Third Pair

On July 26th, 2007, a character named Abertt from the world Titania was given a pair of these majestic legs for becoming the 100,000th Premium Account buyer on Tibia, as well as a Golden Figurine with a special inscription.



by (518 points)
Damn every little tibians childhood dream is really gone huh :C
+3 votes
by (17,406 points)
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Lord Warez sold his Dragon Scale Legs to Stepwise the Dragonrider for an undisclosed amount in late May 2022. The legs are currently displayed in his Thais house Harbour Place 2 (Shop) on the world Pacera. It's the same Stepwise who owns an impressive collection on a Green BattlEye Server. Lord Warez sold the majority of his collection (Silver necklace, Solar Axe, Golden Helmet, The Epiphany, Winged Helmet, Horned Helmet...) also to Stepwise the Dragonrider.

Please note, that there are 3 known Dragon Scale Legs in Tibia. I will do my best to see if I can find other current leg owners and post them here but doesn't seem like they will appear to me anytime soon. To learn about the original owners and history you can check this TibiaQA question: Does anyone know any folklore behind the Dragon Scale Legs?

I see in this thread  https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=4918917 that the legs were sold. Does anyone know who owns them or where I can find them displayed?
by (17,406 points)
They currently aren't displayed in the new owner's house but they were sold some days ago. The new owner is located also in Pacera but I asked Lord Warez if I can edit my post yet with the new owners information but I will wait until the owner places the items in his new home and then I will edit my post don't you worry!
by (17,406 points)
I posted an update for you in case you are curious. ^^
+1 vote
by (70 points)

Just a plus: after many years one finally reappeared in Belobra, as you can check in this video


by (4,162 points)
oh my...! however, somebody owns them! :O