+1 vote
by (17,410 points)
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I know I've read this somewhere before other than Wiki so I was curious as to what quests don't appear in your quest log?

The Quest Log is a feature in your console that helps you overview what quests you have already done and how far you are with them.

The quest log will not display all quests. It is primarily for multi-part quests where you need to complete one or more missions for an NPC. Most other quests will never be listed, even if you have completed them.


3 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,351 points)

Quests that don't have an npc interaction don't appear in the quest log.

Many old quests such as Hat of the mad or Bright Sword quests won't appear in the quest log.

by (17,410 points)
Thanks for your answer only makes sense is there any other quests?
by (1,351 points)
Most of the old quests that were about reaching to a place and killing a strong monster behind a level door.
Orc Fortress, behemount quest, crusader helmet quest, naginata quest, black knight quest and so on.
0 votes
by (496 points)
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List of quests that do not appear in the quest log is in the source link (except the non-quest log quests on the bottom of the document).
Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EDF2rlktZTccoyEqdpOBqjzcHavAs4hpqhisxPslWi4/edit#heading=h.yrka9tniw6oz

List of Rookgaard quests visible in the quest log

1. The Rookie Guard quest.

2. Outfit and Addon quests (citizen outfit addons) disappear from the quest log after you obtain the addons.

Note: 1st Druid Addon (paws) does not show up in the quest log.

List of Tutorial Island (inaccessible) quests visible in the quest log

1. The Beginning quest.

2. Brave New World quest quest occurs when you skip the tutorial (teleporting from Tutorial Island to Rookgaard temple with help of NPC Santiago).

List of Dawnport quests visible in the quest log

1. Dawnport quest.

List of Island of Destiny quests visible in the quest log

1. Child of Destiny quest.

by (1,534 points)
but i think is exactly the opposite here, since question is about quest that doesn't appear in quest log, right?
by (17,410 points)
yes, exactly this thank you. i'd like to know what quests don't appear not a list of those that do appear.
by (496 points)
List of quests that do not appear in the quest log is in the source link (except the non-quest log quests on the bottom of the document).
Source: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EDF2rlktZTccoyEqdpOBqjzcHavAs4hpqhisxPslWi4/edit#heading=h.yrka9tniw6oz
by (17,410 points)
can u edit your answer to include this?
by (496 points)
Ok I edited =)
by (17,410 points)
Sources: If you have used information from other websites or fansites, always cite your sources. On the other hand, make sure that your answer is not just a link to an external resource. Links are not yet answers. They are just pointers to a resource that might contain an answer   - https://www.tibiaqa.com/answering-how-to-answer
by (496 points)
Hey, I tried to copy-paste the whole document with rookgaard quests to tibiaqa post, but I received this info: Maximum length is 20000 characters
0 votes
by (17,410 points)

Tibia Draptor has a tool where if you select without quest log you can see all the quests that don't appear in your quest log. 
