+1 vote
by (4,384 points)

Hello, I wanna try warzones 4,5 and 6 with my team but, we are not very high leveled, so I wanna know if it is possible to do it, if anyone here has done with less people, etc... Because I don't wanna try it and then have my friends killed :(

Here is the team, from highest level to lowest level:

  1. Ek 715
  2. ED 640
  3. ED 490
  4. MS 465
  5. ED 448
  6. RP 413
  7. RP 400
  8. EK 381
  9. ED 338
  10. MS 323
So, thats: 2 Eks, 4 ED, 2 RP and 2 MS
Is it doable, or do I need more people? What is the lowest amount of people required to finish the warzone? Considering an average level of 400.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer
You can do it without any problems in this team. I did warzones on retro pvp server in 10 people with lvls between 350-640(or 660 I don't remember exactly). Remember that on Retro pvp server we took dmg also by our team and we didn't have any problem to kill those bosses. In my opinion 10 people (but they should know what to do - not like where am I?) Is the minimum amount for those bosses.

I don't mention here people with levels 800-1000 because I think if they are good then can make it even in 8 probably.
by (1,850 points)
All bosses you can kill by sd’s so just ek might hit aoe by exori. <3