+1 vote
by (518 points)
Does anyone know the reason why decoration items from the store are character bound?

I thought it would be pretty nice to be able to trade them, some people quit the game and can't do anything with those items and some people would love to buy them a bit cheaper than they are in the store. However, store decorations can't even be used among the characters on the same account and server which is a tad annoying. Would love to know peoples answers to this :)

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
Because by doing that they force more players or same player to buy the same thing multiple tmes.

At least thats their intention.

My personal opinion is that it doesn't work, it discourage people to waste money and buy stuff. If people knew they could resell or reuse in another character they wouldn't need so much convincing to buy an TC item.
+1 vote
by (17,404 points)
selected by
Best answer

I dug on the forums for this answer, I hope you enjoy!


Question asked to Mirade:

> In regards to the recent additions to the tibia
> store; why are the tibia store items (especially
> house decoration, but also outfits/mounts) bound only
> to one character? [...]
> Could you please share what your thoughts behind this
> decision was? Is there some sort of technical
> limitation to it? Is this something that Cip plans to
> fix in the future?

Mirades reply:

There are no such plans at the moment. I'll try to give some background on this matter, so please bear with me. image

One of the premium benefits are the premium outfits. Besides having more outfits ready to use, being able to use them with all of your characters is part of the appeal of this premium benefit. The premium status affects your whole account and thus, all characters on your account benefit of the advantages it has to offer.

If you buy cosmetics in the Store, it's a conscious decision to treat your character to this very mount/outfit/item. They are special and often stand out. If those Store products were unlocked for all of your characters, they would immediately become a far more common sight and thus, also lose some of their appeal and special status. So of course, it's also a business-driven decision since the Store is a crucial part of our business model.

Also, buyable outfits and mount are character-bound just like mounts and outfits you unlock through playing. You could also argue that outfits and mounts obtained ingame should be unlocked for all your characters since they are "expensive" in terms of time and resources you need to invest to obtain them. Some players have much more time to invest than others. Likewise, some players have much more Tibia Coins/money to spend than others. In both cases, it comes down to the question: Is this mount/outfit/item worth the price or the time you need to invest to obtain it? And that decision is up to each player.

Nevertheless, thanks for explaining why this is an important topic for you and many others. We'll forward the feedback, of course. image

by (518 points)
Find it so funny how Mirade sugar-coated a money-grabbing scheme :D, anyways nice answer thanks :)
by (17,404 points)
Haha yes I've always loved her long detailed replies. But yea, I'm sure if the items were tradable it would only make sense. And at the very least to the characters on the same account!