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by (1,850 points)
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Well about question we get something new or something similar with this new hunting task points but well If you play for so many years and made couple of characters it’s so boring to do tasks again for same monsters on like 3 different chars.

I mean that for doin demon task for example. It was so fun doin it cuz without that killing demons were so boring. And we had precious reward for that. But well items sucks nowdays, so they should add similar task/mission where by playin 1h per day you would need spend 4 months to do it. Cuz who care nowdays about mount and outfit like this new one for doin tasks for 1 year without spending wild cards on it.

When I started doing demon task holy icon costs 10-15kk and ferumbras hat 250-300kk.

Now we have holy icon for 7kk and ferumbras hat for 1kkk...

Or tasks like Mino/pirate/necromnacers they should add some more (also they should change loot from necromancer boss cuz soul stone is so cheap nowdays and lootable from various bosses.)

So my question is why CipSoft don’t want extend quest Killing in the name of...?

*Specially I gave name of quest instead of sayin tasks cuz many of you would say “CipSoft add new feature with tasks” :D

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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I'm not sure why they havent the last time they did was in 2011 and the link is here: https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=1826&fbegind=3&fbeginm=12&fbeginy=2003&fendd=2&fendm=1&fendy=2020&flist=11111111

I know hes been revamped one other time besides this. I'm sure they are looking into it however I cant find any concrete evidence that proves this. There's nothing on the proposal boards about this being a forwarded suggestion.

I can honestly say I'm sick of doing repeat tasks (I only do the same 3 tasks which is banuta monsters)

I think we just to make tibia more aware they we want this to change and these tasks are a great thing to have. They also did implement the counter to track our kills so I mean they know we love to task haha.