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by (4,451 points)
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I looted Soulfful Legs yesterday. 

 You see soulful legs (Arm:8, magic level +1, protection holy +8%).

It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers, druids of level 180 or higher. It weighs 38.00 oz.

Are there any monsters which are making holy damage? Where I can use this legs for hunt? If there is a place like that then can I hunt there solo or with party?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)

The only places with a considerable amount of Holy damage that I can think of are:

  • Falcons
  • Energy library

But in both of them the Gnome Legs is superior... Maybe in the future we will have another respawn with a lot of Holy damage

There is also the Deathling Spellsinger, his beam is holy damage, if you hunt there maybe its better than using Gill Legs

+1 vote
by (1,850 points)
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Best answer

Monster which dealing Holy damage u can met at cave in Edron called Cursed Prospector, there is no good hunt spot but legs would be useful to do bestiary there :)

Access to this cave give you one of mission from Thaian what is part of Feaster of souls quest. Also in this cave you can click by pick crystals to respawn other monsters called Evil Prospectors. Easy 100 points for patient people :D
