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by (4,336 points)
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To create Ring of Ending Ring of Ending we need two parts of the ring: String of Mending String of Mending and Broken Ring of Ending Broken Ring of Ending. There is a chance of dying in the process. I wonder what happen with parts of the ring if I die. Can I use these items again ?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

While you wearing a  Broken Ring of Ending use on it String of Mending.After that you will lose.   When you create Ring of Ending from those items then yes, you will lose them. The next step is just wait for all phases of the ring.  :D You have only 50% chance to make it successful but if you die you will lose it and you won't get your items back.

Tip for pvp worlds - gather 5-6 friends, make a skull and let them attack you while you doing a ring. If you die you will lose only Twist instead of all blessings.

by (1,351 points)
Does this pvp strategy works if I make a war between two guilds in optional pvp?
by (4,336 points)
I think it can work but remember that u have to survive around 1 min (time for creating ring).
by (1,850 points)
Also If you are not into pvp. If more ppl with higher level attack you then you gonna lose less experience than 1 vs 1 fight.