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by (4,451 points)

After I made Mysterious Ornate Chest Quest I am killing this boss regularly and I never looted anything special.  On Tibiopedia it's writtem that it's possible to loot from it Elemental Spikes but is it confirmes? Someone looted it already? 

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
I don't think it's possible to loot from the Reflection... We don't have a confirmation from Cipsoft saying that it's impossible but there is also no confirmation that it is.

This quest was made by hundreds of player, with several posts on forum and no one ever posted any proof of looting it (at least in the threads ive followed, which were many).

Regarding the fansite you mentioned, they may have copied the Raging Mage page and just changed the name (and forgot to remove Elemental Spikes from loot), I think that is more likely than the loot being true.
+1 vote
by (4,336 points)
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In my opinion it is possible. My friends looted Obujos' Shell Obujos' Shell from Reflection of Obujos Reflection of Obujosso I think it will work also with Reflection of a Mage image. Remember that we can kill this Boss only one time for 2 weeks and elemental spikes image is really rare item.

by (4,384 points)
Really? Thats really weird because Obujos Shell is not even loot from Obujos, it is obtainable in a CHEST, after killing Obujos :l maybe ill start killing those guys more often
by (4,336 points)
Yeah..that's really interesting fact.