<p>You can get it by using Sand Toys on sand.</p><p>To get Sand Toys, go to Candia. You must feed a taffy bunny with Marzipan Carrots, which can be collected in several spots, as shown in the image below:</p><p><img alt="" src="https://i.imgur.com/yEC6SM6.png"></p><p>After collecting a good amount of Marzipan Carrots, use them on the trough that is close to the bunny:</p><p><img alt="" src="https://i.imgur.com/24nQjzk.png"></p><p>After the bunny is satisfied, it will tell you a secret:</p><blockquote><p>Let me tell you a little secret in return: I know where a treasure is hidden. If you dig around the northern headlands of the island, you'll find it. Right up north, right by the water, yes?</p></blockquote><p>Go to the north of the island and use a shovel or equivalent on the place marked with the gold coin in the image below:</p><p><img alt="" src="https://i.imgur.com/DYqSXWZ.png"> </p><p>Now you have Sand Toys. When using it on sand, you will obtain a Sand Castle or Vanila Vanilla Sugar Castle.</p>