<p>Of Course there's a time lapse on Tibia </p><p>Baleful Bunny spawns by the<strong> night on Tibia</strong></p><p>So I recommend to buy a watch <img alt="" src="https://www.tibiaqa.com/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=294579986401996475" style="height:30px; width:31px"></p><p><img alt="" src="https://www.tibiaqa.com/?qa=blob&qa_blobid=18123180612264013159" style="height:459px; width:600px"></p><p><img alt="" src="https://tibiamaps.io/map#32368,32198,7:2"><img alt="" src="https://tibiamaps.io/map#32368,32198,7:2">I also attach an image where it will spawn i marked them, if I miss any spot tell me please♥</p><p>and for the very very last but not less important, NO it can't be blocked; they will spawn like any other creature with the blue sphere animation.</p>I recently go to the island and yes you can block the respawn standing.</p>