+1 vote
by (4,311 points)
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Hello Dear Tibians!

Last night I was checking my outfits and realized that I do not have Druid Outfit complete. 

One of the necessary items is Griffinclaw Container.gif Griffinclaw Container which is obtained using a Botanist's Container at a Blomming Griffinclaw Blooming Griffinclaw.gif. The problem I couldn't more infomartion  about it.

So I have two question;

1- Where is Blomming Griffinclaw located?

2- The Blomming Griffinclaw is always there or it spawns periodically?

by (17,406 points)
Edited original question as it was previously "Where is the Blooming Griffinclaw located" but in the details it has two questions. So I edited original question now to "Where is the Blooming Griffinclaw located and when does it bloom?"

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

1- Where is Blomming Griffinclaw located?

On Nargor, follow this way:

  • From Entrance at Nargor, walk from A to B, Go up stairs.
  • Walk from C to D, use a parcel or Levitate (exani hur up) to go up at D.
  • Walk from E to F, there are NUMEROUS pirates in this area, so be careful if you are a lower level.

2- The Blomming Griffinclaw is always there or it spawns periodically?

The Blooming Griffinclaw don't appear every day, if you want take more than one, you gonna need check some days.

You can take a sample of it every 20 hours, as long as you have an empty container at hand and haven't handed one in yet. If you try to harvest it again before the 20 hours are over, you will receive the following message: You just collected a fragile griffinclaw. At least wait for the rest of the plant to recover a bit before gathering more.

0 votes
by (1,582 points)

Blomming griffnclaw respawn in pirat island nargor here. His spawn time is randomly(can be 2 days in row) and spawn always after ss. To pick up this flower u need container and picked mission for bring it to npc and after this u can pick this flower unlimited(20h cd so its possible to pick 2 bettwen ss) until u give it to npc. Easiest way to check status of flower (bloomed or not) is sail to nargor and step here, if flower is in bloom state you will see small part of flower.

0 votes
by (105 points)
Top of the mountains in nargor.

They say it blooms every 30~31 every month, but i cant tel if its just rumors. There is only one location of it.
0 votes
by (4,162 points)

 You can find it also when you want to kill Deathbine. There are 3.

by (1,582 points)
But cant collect them
by (4,162 points)
Why not? You can kill them when you finish task from Grizzly Adams. You can do this task 3 times :) There is a chance to find that one from 3 will appear.
by (1,582 points)
Ask cipsoft about it ;P they are unpickable (just decoration) only way to pick  flower is when in bloom in nargor
by (4,162 points)
From what I remember, I was making this boss's with  noobar and I had the opportunity to meet a blooming flower.
0 votes
by (35 points)
It spawns on Nargor, the spawn is not regular, best sollution to get it is has character logged-out there.
–1 vote
by (1,322 points)
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  • From Entrance at Nargor, walk from A to B, Go up stairs.
  • Walk from C to D, use a parcel or Levitate (exani hur up) to go up at D.
  • Walk from E to F, there are NUMEROUS pirates in this area, so be careful if you are a lower level.

 Source: tibiawiki
