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by (292 points)
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Since in summer 22’ the bosstiary became a thing, let’s talk a little bit about that.

Most of the bosses require a long period of hunting or camping the spot to fully unlock the creature.

However there are some regular and seasonal creatures that can provide some real quick bosstiary points.

Which ones can actually be unlocked withing a short period of time?

by (1,595 points)
This question is wrongly assigned to the "charm" tag. Charm points are bestiary related, not bosstiary.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (292 points)
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Hey buds,

I want to share my earned knowledge of Boss Points especially with the ones having not that much time to grind or search for informations. I have made a list of the fastest way to get Bosstiary Points during the whole year.

Please be aware that I want to point out which bosses you should focus on. Please do not treat that as complete guide since it would be few times bigger.

But to the point.

First of all, bosses are assigned to 3 categories. Each category requires different amount of kills to unlock bosstiary points.

CategoryKills to unlock level 1Kills to unlock level 2Kills to unlock level 3Bosstiary points in total
Bane25 (5 pts)100 (15 pts)300 (30 pts)50
Archfoe5 (10 pts)20 (30 pts)60 (60 pts)100
Nemesis1 (10 pts)3 (30 pts)5 (60 pts)100

As you can probably guess none of Bane or Archfoe bosses will be listed among fast ones since they need 60 or 300 kills to unlock! But to be fair, some of them must be mentioned as easy ones and I will do it in another guide.

Let’s get started with the fast ones!


Date: All the year

As far as I know, this is the actually the fastest Boss that you can unlock. It can be easily done by players with level  around 50 in total time of 10 minutes (boss has 20h cd), all over the year. It is from Nemesis category so it requires only 5 kills to finish the bosstiary and it gives you 100 boss points!

To get to Raxias Island, you will have to talk NPC Charles (Port Hope’s Captain):

Hi -> Shortcut -> Yes -> Edron

NOTE 1: If you are moved towards Edron, you need to go back to Port Hope and repeat the chat.

After you get on Island, enter the teleport which leads to Raxias lair. After you kill the boss, simply use the ladder and click on energy shrine on the surface. You will be strictly teleported to Carlin.

There is 20h cooldown between each travel to Island of Raxias so you need at least 5 trips.

NOTE 2: There is possibility that you can be transported to other Island by NPC Charles. They are totally safe and you can easily return to Mainland from there. Due to character limit I cannot describe all the cases but don’t worry – you are not going to die! 

The Percht Queen

Date: Winterlight Solstice World Quest (22 December – 10 January)

The Perch Queen is almost harmless boss. You can kill her in a team of 5 people maximum. To be able to enter final room with her you should finish "The Winterlight Solstice Quest" which is actually a very quick and easy one that can be done by low level players. The Percht Queen has 20h cd so it will take you 5 days to unlock bosstiary. Additionally after killing the boss you will receive an achievement „No Horse Open Sleigh” (3 ach points) and you will have a chance to loot Percht Skull needed to obtain mount Bright Percht Sleigh.

The First Dragon

Date: The First Dragon World Change (16 January – 12 February)

It a Nemesis category boss which means that you need 5 of them to gain 100 boss points. You will spend few hours to get access to this boss and you need in my opinion level 250+ to safely finish sub-bosses. Although it is very profitable quest where you can easily profit about ~200k per kill (colourful feathers and porcelain mask) and I highly recommend doing it. There are almost every time people searching for team to that boss so don’t think it’s very rare to find a spot in a full hunt. Excluding time needed to do access, you will spend about 1h in total to fully unlock this bosstiary position. 

Bane Lord

Date: Bewitched World Change (21-25 June)

It’s Nemesis category boss which means that you need 5 of them to gain 100 boss points. Bane Lords respawn with Bane Bringers (which are actually attractive 50 Bestiary points for 5 kills) under the witch’s pot with random timer. I have dug a bit and found out it can be spawned even up to 9 times a day during event, but approximately during the whole event this amount is about 25.

The Mutated Pumpkin

Date: Halloween Event (31 October – 03 November)

It’s also Nemesis category boss - 5 kills for 100 boss points. Mutated Pumpkin respawns right after server save and every 4 hours after killing a boss (on the Devoveur Dessert – north-west of Darashia). Due to its very high amount of HP (500k+) it needs quite many players to slain it. But do not be afraid! Boss itself is a very weak creature and it doesn’t deal much damage, so feel free to join hunt with low level chars!

Rise of Devovorga / Devovorga’s Essence Mini World Change

- Anmothra (level 20-40) 

- Irahsae (level 40-60) 

- Teneshpar (level 60-80) 

- Chikhaton (level 70+) 

- Phrodomo (level 70+) 

Bosses listed above can be finished in 2 ways – either during the Mini World Change called Devovorga’s Essence (you can check it in Adventurer’s Guild on World Board) or during Rise of Devovorga Event (01-07 September). Every boss is in category nemesis – you need to kill only 5 bosses of each kind to get 5x100 bosstiary points which is 500 points in total!

During the September’s Rise of Devovorga you probably won’t be able to kill 5 above listed bosses (it’s only possible if you level up from 39 to 70 level during event). To kill them you must enter portals placed in different locations. Each portal can be entered by players with levels listed below:

- Anmothra (level 20-40)

- Irahsae (level 40-60)

- Teneshpar (level 60-80)

- Chikhaton (level 70+)

- Phrodomo (level 70+)

But this event has an advantage – if you are 70+ level you can easily kill Chikhaton and Phrodomo with a team (in second way – you need to kill them solo). Those 2 monsters are actually quite demanding (they both have 50k+ HP). Each Boss respawns 5 minutes after being killed so I can say with hand on my heart that 30 minutes is enough to fully unlock each boss!

The second way to unlock bosses is if you manage to spot a Devovorga Essence Mini World Change. During this event an Energy Teleport appears on Vengoth in place shown on above screenshot. ATTENTION: Be aware that you need to complete 4 missions of Blood Brother Quest to be able to enter Vengoth where teleport to bosses appears. 

You also better equip yourself with some of Tentacle Pieces . You will have to give few pieces to NPC Dread Guardian to be able to enter teleports of each boss. (Hi -> Essence -> Yes -> Name of boss you want to kill)

MonsterTentacle Pieces for 1 entry

Those items are quite pricey (atm on Monza the price of 1 piece is around ~60k) so for example to unlock Anmothra you will need 600k (5 times x 2 pieces x 60k), for Tenesphar it will be 2.4kk (5 times x 8 pieces x 60k) and for Phrodomo it’s 4.8kk (5 times x 16 pieces x 60k). To unlock 500 bosstiary in total points it would cost you around 13 kk. I will let you judge if that reasonable deal. 

The Dream Courts Quest

Izcandar Champion of Summer 

Izcandar Champion of Winter 

Izcandar the Banished 




I was really wondering if I should put those bosses in that list. They are definitely not easy but very demanding ones. They require you to be a medium high level to even think about them. All of them are Nemesis ones and also only 5 of each kind to unlock so many points. Quest surely itself is really hard and needs a good team. But 600 bosstiary points you receive after killing bosses is definitely worth all the effort!

Full list of all bosses for a October 2022:

Bane Category:


Archfoe Category:


Nemesis Category:


Hope you people find that helpful!

If you enjoyed, please leave a comment or an up-vote!

See you in next guide!

by (292 points)
Thanks guys for great feedback!
Percht Queen and King Chuck should definately be added to this guide, will do that soon!
by (1,184 points)
I think that the list still misses some of the easier bosses. Let me name u an example: Lizard High Guardian. U can kill him every week having a team of 4 people and I think it is really less demanding than DC Minis. Of course you need a pre missions for this, but u also need it for DC. As someone said, King Chuck would be a nice addon to the list, but still can't see him there.
by (6,736 points)
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I think it is worth adding two pieces of information to make the quality of the answers better:

First of all, a useful tip for some players is that on an island with Raxias, you can log off. So if someone has the ability, they can speed up the completion of the boss by logging out on the island and logging in there after the CD expires.

Bane Lord is a very risky point here. I don't want to say, that it's wrong that it is listed here, but I think it must be mentioned, that it all depends on the server. It can be one of the hardest bosses on crowded servers because a lot of people camp there to loot dry pieces of wood. Boss is practically no different from regular Bane Bringers. Elite Knight with a higher lvl wanting to win as many monsters as possible for profit using "utito" actually has it for two hits. So there is a huge chance that, despite such interesting statistics, not a single Bane Lord will be hit all day by a particular player. I personally for 3 years killed 2 while being relatively active during the event.

Also, some information should be corrected and/or added:

1) Achievement "No Horse Open Sleigh" is not for killing the boss, but for getting the new mount (not necessarily Bright Percht Sleigh).
2) I really miss (as others have mentioned) King Chuck here, which is so easy to complete and it takes only 2 days during the event.
3)  I would add Lizard Gate Guardian which is really easy to complete,
4) I would add Malofur Mangrinder, which was skipped (Dream Court Quest).