+2 votes
by (17,425 points)
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In the related question, it talks in regards to regular creatures but I'm curious to know what boss has the highest amount of hitpoints in all of Tibia? Is it really The Abomination as seen on Tibia Wiki as there's a ? near the name... Is there even a way to tell because from what I understand we cannot unless the creature is seen in the bestiary or on Tibia's creature list...

by (104 points)
I know you bumped this for Morshabaal but i think he doesnt have more hp he has more resistance to everything

1 Answer

0 votes
by (104 points)
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It could be one of those 3

The Abomination | TibiaWiki | Fandom

Gaz'haragoth | TibiaWiki | Fandom

Devovorga | TibiaWiki | Fandom

Since they are the bosses that require the most amount of players to be killed, its to assume that they are the strongest in HP

Source Tibia Wiki

by (17,425 points)
Hello, is there a way to tell their hitpoints exactly to see which one is the top 1?
by (104 points)
By standing next to the boss recording all damage he is taken by all the players and then making the sum of them or asking Cipsoft..