+6 votes
by (718 points)
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Few hours ago I have seen that some guy is selling Magic Long Sword for 5kkk and Blessed Shield for 2.5kkk.

As we know, it is not possible to exceeed sum of 1kkk via market and classic trade.

How to make a safe deal without a risk in such case?
by (2,564 points)
I added "safely" to the question title, because it seems that this is the main issue
by (355 points)
Answers should take into account what Tibia as a game/software provides and therefore I can safely say the following.

There is no 100% safe way to make trades with values higher than 1KKK.

If you're asking it and considering real life exists there are many other ways of trading such things as mentioned on the answers.

But, by definitiion, your question has the answer on itself and should not even be allowed.
Perhaps ask what's the highest value and answer with 1KKK though market would be more appropriate.
by (5,070 points)
Cipsoft should implement market option to buy/sell with tibiacoins.
by (355 points)
Sounds like a good idea, I would prefer to actually address the matter rather than implement such trade.

I would much rather have CipSoft focus on controlling the entire market, starting by plotting a strategy on how to bring back the value of the existing currencies, by lowering the inflation rate of the internal games economy it should be possible to trade very expensive items with the current in-game implementation.

The issue with that is, unlike many other games, Tibia has no end, and thus the only 'logic' thing to do is to increase the profits of those who are stronger as they'll need more resources. Sadly, this economy model is not sustainable.
I believe I have mentioned in a previous answer. The title of the thesis is 'Macroeconomies of a virtual world', whose author is Stephan Börzsönyi. Which puts in perspective what were the issues at the time of the proposal of the thesis, in 2007. The problem snowballed since, there have been attempts of controlling with different currencies such as tokens and the Tibia Coin, but the main problem is the nature of the game itself, it has no end, making it an unending effort to hold the virtual economy and add value rather than decrease the value of the currency.

4 Answers

+4 votes
by (576 points)
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Best answer
The probably best way would be to trade such items with other high value items which add up to the value via the safe trade function in the game. The seller can then sell those items via the market.

Other options such as "middle man" blabla are never 100% safe but probably the best other option but it is not recommended to use such services.
by (17,406 points)
There are character auctions too :)
+2 votes
by (17,406 points)
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How to trade safely in Tibia?

Some items you cannot sell on the market like the Nightmare Doll. Since Winter Update 2021 the price limit for a market listing has also been raised from 999,999,999 to 999,999,999,999. Besides using the market, there are some other ways to safe trade-

  1. The first option would be through a Character Auction the item will be purchased or sold with Tibia coins. A minimum price can be set to make sure you do not get any bad offers.
  2. The second option which is already noted is to use the safe-trading feature already in-game. If you of course cannot cap gold for the item you can speak with each other on which items you would be interested in exchanging for the item your selling or buying. (For example, you're selling a Golden Helmet and decide you trade it for 10 Yellow Roses and a Grey Tome

Each trading feature has a downside though. For example, when you do a Character Auction you may get someone who doesn't have enough Tibia coins even though they won the auction. You also might receive non-transferable or transferable Tibia coins even though the bids are only made with transferable Tibia coins. Very important to keep in mind, 50 Tibia Coins are paid as an auction fee by the seller to set up an auction. CipSoft receives a commission of 12% of the selling price.

When you do the safe-trading feature in-game you might have a hard time reselling the items you received from the other player or maybe these items will devalue quicker than the item you just sold. Regardless of the negatives, at least these are safe trading methods and you do not have to use a middleman type of situation which is a really bad idea.

Here's some additional information on Character Auctions:

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
In regular cases the buyers are people who have a good "fame", if the buyer is a strange the use the services of big streamers like Bubba o Zuckins (Its normal to sell/buy Ferumbras Hats) people who have good reputation and valore it more than money.
0 votes
Usually the trade goes item for item + money like lets say people are buying a rare for other rares + items. Most common rare to use in these trades are golden helmet since it has a pretty stable price and isn't hard to get rid of