+1 vote
by (200 points)
I was checking all around and couldn't find any info regarding gilded and non gilded, does anyone know anything about them?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,318 points)
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With Winter Update 2021 it was disclosed that 

  • Gilded versions of items, which were introduced in this year's summer update, can also be fused with their regular versions (regular + gilded, gilded + gilded, gilded + regular). In this case, the player chooses which version is to be upgraded, and which may potentially be destroyed.
  • Items involved in a fusion or transfer must not be imbued (but can be imbued after the fusion). 4

Additionally, Gilded versions of Eldritch Weapons weight 1 oz more, due to being gilded (coated in the layer of gold). 

You see an eldritch bow (Atk+6, Hit%6, distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 250 or higher.

It weighs 58.00 oz. 1

You see a gilded eldritch bow (Atk+6, Hit%6, distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot, Empty Slot).

It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 250 or higher.

It weighs 59.00 oz.

Refined by the legendary goldsmith Gnomaurum. 2

Additionally, to what Xarkost already mention, that the main difference is a cosmetic nature, it was also reconfirmed on the testforum by Laethe "We can promise you, there is a way to obtain the gilded weapons. They look beautiful, don't they? So yes, they are a visual upgrade." 3 

While the Eldritch items seems to be dropped of the bosses from new Warzones, it is sill unknown how to obtain Gilded versions of it. I was suspecting it was involving Gnomaurum (see description of gilded items), but did not find him so far. 

It is also not confirmed if they will be character or account bonded (which is doubtful).- Correction- they are not character or account bounded since they are on the market. 

This cause following questions to be raised:



1. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Eldritch_Bow

2. https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Gilded_Eldritch_Bow

3.https://www.test.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&postid=35242#post35242 .

4. https://www.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=4897021

0 votes
by (5,523 points)
There is nothing different between Gilded and non Gilded Eldritch Weapons besides appearance. Most of the Blue colors on the Edritch weapons are replaced with a Gold color on the Gilded versions. This is from content designer Laethye on the test server boards.

"Gilded Weapons: For each weapon there is a gilded version. These versions do not have different stats."

Source: https://www.test.tibia.com/forum/?action=thread&threadid=362