+1 vote
by (2,865 points)
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I want to sell my houses to earn some money, but I want to know how much I paid with my bid when I got it, is there any way to know?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (2,559 points)
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The only way to know this is when you get the house, I mean, if its a fresh bid from the website, the day the bid of the house is due to end, and if you win, the money of the rent, plus, the money of the highest bid will be debited from your bank account, so for a few minutes during and after ss both amounts will be shown in the website. On the contraire, if you got the house from somebody else, you'll pay the money that person set for the house price and, ONLY if its rent day you will also have to pay the rent, since there are some houses that have a rent paid for the month or for a few days when the trade is done, you'd only pay that rent on the day its due according to the first time the house was rented from the website. On both cases the only way to know this is on the website, the day the transfer is done or the day the bid ends, both for a few time after that particular server save.

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