+2 votes
by (17,425 points)
What was the first Tibia Fansite? I'm talking about fansites recognized by Cipsoft, supported or promoted. If possible can you include the date of this fansite and if it's still running?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,316 points)
Well, I know that TibiaBR.com joined the Tibia fansite program in September 2003, in my mind they are the very first Tibia Fansite, now I have to say that I'm not 100% sure.
+1 vote
by (6,736 points)

According to the info I have found here:


Lehula is right - the first official fansite was TibiaBR.com which joined in 2003 to the program, and left it in 2017, but it is still active.

Next were Erig.net and TibiaMx in 2005. A lot of new fansites joined between 2007 and 2009.


by (2,271 points)
Any idea why TibiaRR left the program?
by (6,736 points)
I remember this moment when their left, but I don't know the reason. It wasn't said by Cipsoft in the newsticker.
by (3,844 points)
TibiaBR created an OT server in 2017 so it’s against tibia rules so they left the program
by (128 points)
This answer is incorrect.
TibiaBr was started in 2003 but wasn't part of the program until 2005.
+1 vote
by (128 points)
selected by
Best answer
Its hard to pinpoint the very first fansite. Since there were many sites that came and went in the early days. According to Nightmare Knights website, Yorin's website was the first player-made webpage. There were also many "character websites" in the early days as can be seen in "Tibia History: Antica - The Ancient Days" on Youtube.

Now referring to the first Fansites that were officially recognized:

The Supported Fansite Program started on March 24, 2005.

The first Fansites in the program were

TibiaBr, TibiaNews, & TibiaPl, which all joined in on March 24, 2005

TibiaMx was 4th and joined on November 18, 2005

Erig was 5th and joined on November 24, 2005.

Out of the original three only TibiaBr is still online, but no longer part of the program.

The longest serving Fansite that is still part of the program is Tibia Wiki which joined in January 22, 2008


Nightmare Knights


Tibia History: Antica - The Ancient Days on Youtube


TibiaPl webarchive from March 25, 2005


Tibia.com - Fansite Announcement


Tibia.com - TibiaMx Announcement


Tibia.com - Erig Announcement


Tibia.com - Tibia Wiki Announcement
