+5 votes
by (2,559 points)
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I have several lesser monsters to complete in my bestiary and I would like to do it in the upcoming double respawn event, if you can help me out figuring out which spots are good to place fire fields and get bestiary points I would appreciate it, I already have wasps, squirrels, dogs, cats, deer and bunnies, other than that I need most of the weak creatures.

3 Answers

+4 votes
by (4,451 points)
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Best answer

There is my list:

  • Rat in Ab' Dendriel - in the hole you have 4x and 2x. , Location here

  • Penguin and Badger in Svargrond - Badgers are on the south from Penguins. Location here

  • Parrot and Flamingo on Meriana - There is a 6 spots to throw fireball runesLocation here.
  • Chicken in Northport or Greenshore -  there is around 7x i n Notyhpoty and 5x in Greenshore. Location here or here.

  • Bog Frog in Venore - Here is a youtube video how to make it. Location here.
  •  Pigeon in Venore -   Here is a video with spots.
  • Seagull in Liberty Bay -  few spots to throw fire rune - video
  • Fox in Cormaya - look video above.
  • Spider in Thais - Location here.

  • Snake in Porth Hope - many spawns with 2-3x . Location:

  •  Pigs in Thais - Location here..

  • Spider and Poison Spider in Thais-  three big rooms where you can throw bombs. Way:

  • Hyaena and Cobra in Ankrahmun -  Location here.

  •  Wolf in Orc Fortress or Edron.


  • Bug in Ab'Dendriel - in the city, south east from depo. 

  • Bat and Bear in Thais -Bearhell and Bat cave south of Thais, here and here.
by (1,851 points)
Wasp tower left from Darashia, or another spot left from bank.
Cave rat under thais.
Wolf north from thais.
Bug east of ab’dendriel depot.
Sand crawler around Zao stepps.
Badger at Svargrond mammoths. Left from the city.
Winter wolf north from the Svargrond City.
by (4,451 points)
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He has already done  wasps, squirrels, dogs, cats, deer and bunnies :P
by (2,559 points)
wooooooow thank you very much <3 will do all this
+2 votes
by (1,028 points)

I would like to add this to the list:

  • Swamp trolls in Port Hope 

  • White deer
  • Black sheep in Vandura (Liberty Bay)
by (4,451 points)
Oh yes, I forgot about sheeps! Good eye! :)
0 votes
by (5,689 points)

My fast thinking ideas :D

1. Squirrel (yalahar)

2. Bats (night) & fox (day)- cormaya

by (4,451 points)
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"wasps, squirrels, dogs, cats, deer, and bunnies" - I think no one is reading the question :D