0 votes
Considering that the XP boost is 50% and it lasts for one hour, also is only 30 TC.

Considering that prey wild card is max 40% xp (but it could be other bonus) and it lasts for two hours, but is 50 TC.

Which one is better for money, which one is better for PG, which one is better overall?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (106 points)
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The best one in all cases is XP boost. Here is the reason why:

- XP Boost: You will get 50% bonus exp or 75% bonus exp if you have Green Stamina. This exp bonus will be added to all creatures you kill. So if you hunt in a place like Glooth bandits (2 different creatures) and you make "A" exp/h, at Green Stamina with a boost you will make 2.25xA exp/h and without Green Stamina you would make 1.5xA exp/h.

-Prey Wild card: With this you would get 40% bouns exp on 1 creature of choice. So if you are making "A" exp/h, at green stamina you would make (A/2+(A/2)*1.4)x1.5 or 1.8xA exp/h. Without Green Stamina this would be 1.2xA exp/h. This happens because the appllied bonus will only affect 1 creature and not all creatures in the hunt. The number will get even smaller depending on how many different creatures are in the hunt.

A general equation for this would be: (n-1)x(A/n)+(A/n)*1.4. This will give you the increase in exp in a hunt with "n" different creatures if you add a prey of 40% bonus exp on 1 single creature. This will be the value without Green Stamina. With green stamina you just multiply it all by 1.5.


XP boost (with Green Stamina - 2hours): 2.25x(Normal Exp)+Normal Exp = 3.25x(Normal Exp) - 1 hour with boost and another without

XP boost (without Green Stamina - 2hours): 1.5x(Normal Exp)+Normal Exp = 2.5x(Normal Exp) - 1 hour with boost and another without

Prey (with Green Stamina - 2 hours): 1.4x1.5x(Normal Exp)x2 = 4.2x(Normal Exp)     - hunt with 1 creature only

Prey (without Green Stamina - 2 hours): 1.4x(Normal Exp)x2 = 2.8x(Normal Exp)     - hunt with 1 creature only

Prey (with Green Stamina - 2 hours): 1.8x(Normal Exp)x2 = 3.6x(Normal Exp)     - in a hunt with 2 different creatures and prey activated on 1

Prey (without Green Stamina - 2 hours): 1.2x(Normal Exp)x2 = 2.4x(Normal Exp)     - in a hunt with 2 different creatures and prey activated on 1

The numbers will get smaller when the number of different creatures in the hunt rise. If it is only 1 creature or 2 creatures in the hunt it is worth it to get the wild card.

by (11 points)
You are not considering hunts with only 1 creature, for example, grim reaper's/demons/giant spider/hydra/dl hunts.
In that case you would be getting 2.10x(Normal Exp), but for two hours instead of just one like XP boost.
by (106 points)
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I modified the calculation for 2 hours of hunt, in case anyone missinterpreted
by (11 points)
Man, your calculation is wrong.
Where did you get 3.25x Normal Exp?
If you use XP boost for 2 hours you would still get 2.25xp on green stamina, except that you would spend 60 TC.
by (106 points)
As said in the post. That calculation is for "1 hour with boost and another without". So you would get 2.25x(Normal Exp) on the first hour and 1x(Normal Exp) on the second hour. That would be equal to getting 3.25x(Normal Exp). And you said it wrong, it would not be 60 TC, it would be 75 since the second hour of boost is worth 45, not 30.
0 votes
by (59 points)
XP boost is only the best if you have unlimited TC. The amount of TC you have available is different from player to player. I'd say the Prey is better overall since you get 2h boost for 50 TC, rather than 1h for 30 TC (which then becomes way, way more expensive).