+2 votes
by (5,709 points)
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So since some time ago as far as I remember, once you start playing Tibia with a new account, you can complete the account registration after creating and playing with a character. This step is crucial for account security (makes you able to get a Recovery Key) and people usually do it as soon as possible. But what happens if I didn't finish the registration, forgot the email used on this account and now can't log on Tibia due to the abolition of account names?

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (232 points)
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Best answer

CipSoft just added an option to retrieve the e-mail address via Lost Account, problem solved.


by (5,709 points)
Thanks for the answer! If possible, add this link to make your answer better: https://www.tibia.com/account/?subtopic=forgottenemail&step=showemail
by (2,553 points)
It's unclear whether this form will be available forever, so it's worth using it as soon as possible.
by (5,709 points)
Well said, Ellotris Guardian.
+1 vote
by (5,709 points)
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EDIT: Today (July 4t, 2019), Cipsoft added a new way to recover your email address. Just follow the link below and insert your old login name and password.

