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by (6,878 points)
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Without using the quest log and looking manually, how can I know what quests I completed or didn't complete? Fansites tools are welcomed.
by (1,492 points)
what does mean "not manual"? you can check your quest log most of the quest are totally solved so when they say "completed" you finished them, there are few exceptions to that rule though.
by (6,878 points)
Thats manual, check mi log quest by quest.
by (17,282 points)
I'm confused too how else would you know besides checking manually for achievements or the quest log?
by (6,878 points)
For the achievements theres is fansite (Like GuildStats) where you can copy the info from the page of achievement of your cahracter in Tibia.com and the fansite show you what achievements are you missing in few clicks.
by (17,282 points)
So you want maybe a fansite maybe that calculates what quests your missing something like this?
by (6,878 points)
Fansites, tools, any easy way to do that XD
by (5,709 points)
Changed the question and tagged with fansites, since I believe that this is something that maybe an official/supported fansite would consider developing.
by (2,425 points)
I don't think this question makes any sense, to be honest. Why would anyone avoid the primary source of the quest progress of a character? It's like asking "without looking at the screen, how can I know what outfit my character is wearing?". I mean, just look at the quest log...

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,282 points)
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Best answer

Some fansites have tools where you can track your quests that you've completed but you have to input your information so it does take time. For example the Tibia Draptor Questlog tool or Guildstats Questlog tool or you can even create your own excel like this Reddit user
