+2 votes
by (5,497 points)
During the Bewitched event it is possible for Bane Bringer raids to spawn "randomly" throughout the day besides the guaranteed spawns at the beginning of each phase. I was wondering if there was any more information about these random raids.

For example, do they have a chance to occur every 15, 30, or 60 mins after the servers come up? Or, are they truly random and can occur at any point, even several times within the same hour?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (590 points)
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Best answer
From my experience, I know they have a chance to occur every 25 minutes.

You just need to catch the exact time when one of these random raids occurs.
by (5,497 points)
So you have seen seen 2 raids within a 25 minute period? This didn't overlap with the start of a new phase which automatically triggers the raid did it?
by (590 points)
Random raids have no connection with the raids that occur at the beginning of each phase.

Assuming a random raid starts at 10:25, it's possible the next one will occur at 10:50, then 11:15, and so on.

It is possible that no raid will occur for hours, as well as it is possible that there will be 2 or more in a row.
by (5,497 points)
Do they occur on the 25 minute mark exactly every time? Or could, for example, one happen at 10:31 and another at 10:57?
by (590 points)
Yes, 25 minutes exactly
by (1,443 points)
Thanks for the information! It was very useful today.
by (590 points)
You're welcome :)
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